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Wednesday 22 June 2011

Review of the Movie "The Resident"

The ResidentReview of the Movie "The Resident"

The Resident, not to be confused with Resident Evil 

Something creepy is happening in a hot girls apartment.

Hilary Swank does not disappoint in this movie, even though it takes some pretty disturbing twists and turns, the story is brought to the screen brilliantly.

Touché to the director Antti Jokinen, I will be watching a few more of his films.

2011 Trailer

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Review of the Movie "Resident Evil Afterlife"

Review of the Movie "Resident Evil Afterlife"

Approximate release Date: September 2010
Recommended Age: 15
Why I decided to watch it: The last two movies in the series were good
Genre: Adventure, Action, Horror

First we had Resident Evil
then Resident Evil Apocalypse
ZOMG! Resident Evil Extinction
meh Resident Evil Afterlife
*see below
*Resident Evil Degeneration (Did well in Japan)

At first I couldn't wait for the movie to come out as Resident Evil Extinction was left on such a cliff hanger.

As with all sequels you have to compare it to the movies that came before.

Its an ok movie but not as good as the 1st and 2nd movies, it spends some time tying up what happened to the survivors of movie 3.

Definitely watchable movie with some great action scenes, in their distinguishable Matrix style.

Saturday night popcorn movie at its best.

In this movie not only does the main character Alice ( Milla Jovovich ) get to kick some mutant butt, but Clare (Ali Larter) from the extinction movie has some good action scenes where she really own it.

I would have liked to see what more was happening in the Umbrella corporation, but I guess we'll have to wait until the next Resident Evil comes out. check out the trailer. 

Check it out and watch now on Amazon Instant Video

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Review of the Movie "Red"

Review of the Movie "Red"

Aging double agents,
Found the film boring, but they pulled off some good action scenes.

Excellent acting from Morgan Freeman, Helen Miram and Bruce Willis in that order.

Action packed plot, check out the trailer

Saturday 4 June 2011

Review of the Movie "Tucker & Dale Vs Evil"

Tucker & Dale Vs Evil

This movie is not your run of the mill chainsaw massacre, but it does have a different take on the genre.
Its definitely a fresh new way of revamping the old cliches.

- College kids take a vacation in some dodgy woods

- One by one they meet their untimely death

-The usual suspect weapons, chainsaw, axe, guns and lets not forget the classic wood CHOPPER MILL.

Tucker and Dale Vs Evil
The movie moves quickly from the outset and you don't have to wait long to see some chain saw action.

I think the actor of the movie award has to go to Tucker (Alan Tudyk), he spins out some great lines with awesome comedy timing.

Not only does the movie take some interesting twists, but you really have some moments when your like:
"How are they gonna get out of this one? "

I would definitely like to see a sequel to this movie, well worth a watch.
TUCKER & DALE VS. EVIL: Stung By Bees Clip

Here is one of my Favourite clips from the movie

TUCKER & DALE VS. EVIL: College Kids Clip

Check out the film poster below on Amazon
Tucker & Dale vs Evil Framed Poster Movie 11 x 17 Inches - 28cm x 44cm