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Thursday 15 September 2011

110211's Review of the movie "The Caller"

The CallerCrosley Kettle Classic Desk Phone CR62-Black
At the beginning I was not expected too much from it but was pleasantly surprised, this movie had enough twists and turns and is definitely eligible to call itself a thriller, horror mystery.

Lead actress Rachelle Lefevre plays Mary Kee, moves into a new apartment and starts to  get  phone calls from a mysterious woman, the two become friends then,  as Mary starts to realise the caller is from the past , as in another time, Mary she tries to breaks contact but then the story starts to take a sinister turn.

Phone stalking this is anything but, straight forward, how do you get rid of someone from the past?
As Mary starts to find solutions to the problem , anything she does starts to impact the present day.
Even though I have given quite a bit of information the movie is totally not predictable , so enjoy, I would recommend going out to see this one.

If you like creepy ghosts, this film is for you-whoo


Also stars  Stephen Moyer  as John Guidi (Vampire Bill from True blood), haven't seen him do anything on screen since true blood, so was a nice surprise, acting is spot on in this movie.


The Caller

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Conspiracy Vs. Truth : Review of the movie "Apollo 18 "

Apollo 18
hmmm what to say....
well if you like paranormal activity then this is the movie for you.

Paranormal activity in space  ergo Apollo 18

( some say Blair witch, but I'm not buying that)

Is the only way to describe this incredibly tedious movie, I would go so far as to say the best thing about it was the ending credits, no wait was it the beginning credits ?

I  recommend  not to  even waste your time watching this movie, go for a walk or something.

 The storyline follows a loose conspiracy about the moon landing and the possibility of aliens on the dark side of the moon. In real life the mission was to survey the Copernicus cater on the moon as part of the manned moon landing program of the 1960's.

It was filmed as though looking back in time to see what happened during the abandonment of Apollo 18, the quality of the film used was good in my opinion but not much else to say about it than that.

I would give this movie a 2 out of 5, it would have been a 1 out of 5 but I spilt my popcorn and that counts as an action sequence , making it 2 stars out of 5.

As far as the conspiracy theory goes in the 1972's the mission Apollo 18,19,20 were cancelled due to technical difficulties according to wikipedia. So with these movies there is probably room  for  2 more films, great!

If you like movie viral marketing then check out , then click the bottom right corner, to check out footage of secret Apollo 18 files,
LMAO this takes you to  I don't really want to spend any time going through this conspiracy info so , up to you , if you do post a comment on what you find.

110211's Review of the movie "Larry Crowne"

Larry Crowne
Hmm, what to say, what to say, a blockbuster movies this doth not maketh but still good.

I don't know what planet the director comes from but I bet they have free icecream and lots of soft pillows.

The story is about a man called Larry Crowne who loses his job after many many many years in work and decides to go back to college to retrain.

This movie is definetly aimed at the middle-aged audience, I mean they still have time to go to the cinema right?  I would say this is the "inbetweeners movie" aimed at 50 somethings. There I said it,

Ok I get Tom Hanks did Forrest Gump and now he is acting as Larry Crowne, worth the risk to repeat the success don't ya think? Me thinks not.

The acting in the movie was great and Larry learns not to take life too seriously as he starts again as he sees it , but it has a nice cheery ending and the film leaves you uplifted, in the knowledge that some adults really do live in cloud cookoo land.

well enough about Tom Hanks, and enough about what has happened to Julia Roberts face in this movie? (his alcoholic teacher Mercedes Tainot)

The sweet thing about this movie is that the two main characters Mercedes and Larry,meet and enjoy a small spark between them as they find themselves at a stage in their lives where things could be better but they are enjoying each others company, ya know the little things!

Needless to say I will never get my money back and this movie was ok-ish but an unrealistic protrayal of tough economic times for a 50 something,
exactly how does a college graduate afford an upmarket boutique in the the best street in town just after graduation ?
I thought the part of the ending that was the most pathetic was the college grads trading in their girly pastel coloured mopeds for  black Harley motorcycles, c'mon I saw at least a 1200cc among that lot.

I think the main message of this movie was that " if your life stands still enough you'll always have what you have, but it doesn't , life changes all the time "

Be prepared for change, or change will come to you.


Check out Tom Hanks on set for the filming of Larry Crowne

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Review of the Movie "The Resident"

The ResidentReview of the Movie "The Resident"

The Resident, not to be confused with Resident Evil 

Something creepy is happening in a hot girls apartment.

Hilary Swank does not disappoint in this movie, even though it takes some pretty disturbing twists and turns, the story is brought to the screen brilliantly.

Touché to the director Antti Jokinen, I will be watching a few more of his films.

2011 Trailer

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Review of the Movie "Resident Evil Afterlife"

Review of the Movie "Resident Evil Afterlife"

Approximate release Date: September 2010
Recommended Age: 15
Why I decided to watch it: The last two movies in the series were good
Genre: Adventure, Action, Horror

First we had Resident Evil
then Resident Evil Apocalypse
ZOMG! Resident Evil Extinction
meh Resident Evil Afterlife
*see below
*Resident Evil Degeneration (Did well in Japan)

At first I couldn't wait for the movie to come out as Resident Evil Extinction was left on such a cliff hanger.

As with all sequels you have to compare it to the movies that came before.

Its an ok movie but not as good as the 1st and 2nd movies, it spends some time tying up what happened to the survivors of movie 3.

Definitely watchable movie with some great action scenes, in their distinguishable Matrix style.

Saturday night popcorn movie at its best.

In this movie not only does the main character Alice ( Milla Jovovich ) get to kick some mutant butt, but Clare (Ali Larter) from the extinction movie has some good action scenes where she really own it.

I would have liked to see what more was happening in the Umbrella corporation, but I guess we'll have to wait until the next Resident Evil comes out. check out the trailer. 

Check it out and watch now on Amazon Instant Video

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Review of the Movie "Red"

Review of the Movie "Red"

Aging double agents,
Found the film boring, but they pulled off some good action scenes.

Excellent acting from Morgan Freeman, Helen Miram and Bruce Willis in that order.

Action packed plot, check out the trailer

Saturday 4 June 2011

Review of the Movie "Tucker & Dale Vs Evil"

Tucker & Dale Vs Evil

This movie is not your run of the mill chainsaw massacre, but it does have a different take on the genre.
Its definitely a fresh new way of revamping the old cliches.

- College kids take a vacation in some dodgy woods

- One by one they meet their untimely death

-The usual suspect weapons, chainsaw, axe, guns and lets not forget the classic wood CHOPPER MILL.

Tucker and Dale Vs Evil
The movie moves quickly from the outset and you don't have to wait long to see some chain saw action.

I think the actor of the movie award has to go to Tucker (Alan Tudyk), he spins out some great lines with awesome comedy timing.

Not only does the movie take some interesting twists, but you really have some moments when your like:
"How are they gonna get out of this one? "

I would definitely like to see a sequel to this movie, well worth a watch.
TUCKER & DALE VS. EVIL: Stung By Bees Clip

Here is one of my Favourite clips from the movie

TUCKER & DALE VS. EVIL: College Kids Clip

Check out the film poster below on Amazon
Tucker & Dale vs Evil Framed Poster Movie 11 x 17 Inches - 28cm x 44cm

Thursday 3 March 2011

Review of the Movie "Zombieland"

Release Date: October 2009
Recommended Age: 15
Why I decided to watch it: Woody Harrleson wears a cowboy hat
Genre: Adventure,Action,Comedy

Follow the rules to Survive a Zombie Attack

Excellent Zombie flick.
Head Geek Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) devises a set of rules to survive in the Zombie ridden planet that is Earth, you know what?
They work.
Watch this movie it is hilarious and watch out for:
Rule#2 Double tap

Zombieland Rule # 29 - Buddy System

Battle to the best bit

I like the fact that due to the battle to survive on a planet ridden by Zombies, the characters find themselves thrown together in an odd bunch.
The best part of the movies is in the scenes which lead them take refuge in a hollywood mansion, owned by none other than Bill Murray.


Zombieland Rule #15 - Bowling Ball

Zombieland Movie Trailer

Thanks for reading my review.

Review of the Movie "Big Mommas: Like Father,Like Son"

Approximate release Date: 16 February 2011 (uk)
Recommended Age:   13
Why I decided to watch it: The last two in the series were funny
Genre: Comedy

My first thoughts

The first thing I thought when I watched this was, my my my hasn't Martin Lawrence put on some weight.
This was a great thing beacuse his usual blonde haired cuddly female character was back!
Bigger and as funnier as ever.
The son in drag was good too, in the beginning seeing him walk in heels reminded me of Alexander Burke ( Ex-factor winner) but later on in the movie he took to them like a pro.
Great loveable movie about a father-son bonding relationship.
If I had nothing to do on a sunday afternoon I would probably watch it again.

Check out the movie trailer



Review of the Movie "Shutter Island"

Release Date: March 2010
Recommended Age: 15
Why I decided to watch it: Its a Martin Scorsese film, 1950's drama ~something different
Genre: Drama, Mystery,Thriller

My Review

Based in 1954 a Us marshall and his co-hort are invited to a mental hospital on a remote island, to conduct a missing persons investigation.
This film is pretty good as thrillers go and is worth the watch.
It keeps you guessing and not many thriller films do that these days.

What do you think Mr.Holmes ?

Like any good thriller it keeps you guessing as to what will happen next.
When the film had finished, I was still guessing, but in a good way.
The film ties up all the loose threads but your still thinking what if?
Definately a mind puzzle.

Shutter Island Lego Style